PGIBZ 2023

will start in

About Postgres Ibiza

International conference

English-only! We expect attendees from all around the world.

Community Event

Organized by the non-for-profit Fundación PostgreSQL.


The island where everything is possible.

Networking, networking

Unique, relaxed, cozy environment for networking. Take the hallway track to the beach!


Central, big location for products and services information, demos. Show off!

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Bring Your Own Family. Come earlier, stay for longer. Best time of the year in one of the best Summer locations in the world.


Santa Eulalia Des Ríu, Spain

August 29th to 31st, 2023

2 days conference + 1 day unconference

Mediterranean food

The healthiest diet in the world

Buy Tickets

Tickets Include:
  • Access to all talks, networking and demos during both Conference days
  • Mediterranean food, the healthiest in the world
  • Coffee breaks and delicious tapas
  • A unique, relaxed, cozy environment for networking
  • A breathtaking venue, overlooking the sea
  • Post-Conference social, family-friendly activities.

PGIBZ 2023
is proudly sponsored by

Cluster Level

Gold Sponsors

Database Level

Silver Sponsors

If you want to become a sponsor please contact us at

Cluster Level Sponsor

Cluster Level

Gold Sponsor
Database Level Sponsor

Database Level

Silver Sponsor
Table Level Sponsor

Table Level

Bronze Sponsor

Past Edition

Postgres Ibiza 2019 was the first ever Postgres Conference on the Beach. Postgres Ibiza was born as a conference for thinkers, and that's what it was: a unique conference where attendees had up to five days of events and Postgres talks to discuss about the past, present and future of Postgres.

It was a fantastic conference, which an outstanding number of attendees claimed to be "their best Postgres conference ever". This year, we aim to organize an even better conference :)

Past Editions

Event Guidelines

Expect an easy going tech & business event in a tolerant, respectful and family-friendly environment. This event adheres to the official PostgreSQL Community CoC. If you are the recipient of inappropriate behavior, or witness such behavior, please report it promptly to the Code of Conduct Committee at In the unfortunate event that you wish to make a complaint against some member of the Committee, you may instead contact any of the other Committee member(s) individually.

Check List
  • Bring Summer clothes! Expected temperature range is 19ºC - 32ºC
  • Book lodging early
  • Book your flight early
  • If you are into driving, book your rental early